Ban Hackers

Back in the day, hackers were unemployed or unemployable programmers or teenagers with nothing to do.
Now days, it's criminal organizations and Programmers (with a capital P) with masters degrees hired by foreign (and not so foreign) governments to hack into every server they can find. They even try to scan every possible IP address for web servers. When they find one, somebody later tries to hack it.
So, I set up a website for them to visit. It says Coming Soon.
Then, it records their IP Address and bans it from the server with iptables. It also adds their IP Address and User Agent string to the database.

Here are the IP addresses I've banned over the last week:
BannedID IP User Agent String Date Hacked Banned Reason
58727206.168.34.118Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; CensysInspect/1.1; + 10:31:00 PMTried to access http ip directly.
58726172.212.58.224Mozilla/5.0 zgrab/0.x7/26/2024 09:15:59 PMUser Agent Mozilla/5.0 zgrab/0.x
5872552.228.155.176Mozilla/5.0 zgrab/0.x7/26/2024 08:20:03 PMTried to access http ip directly.
5872413.87.132.36Mozilla/5.0 zgrab/0.x7/26/2024 11:50:00 AMUser Agent Mozilla/5.0 zgrab/0.x
58723208.113.142.26Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Fedora; Linux x86_64; rv:94.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/95.07/26/2024 10:55:59 AMEvil 404 /wp-login.php
5872257.152.56.246Mozilla/5.0 zgrab/0.x7/26/2024 10:15:11 AMUser Agent Mozilla/5.0 zgrab/0.x
58721178.79.183.195Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:8.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/8.07/26/2024 03:35:13 AMTried to access http ip directly.
5872072.13.46.3Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; ips-agent)7/25/2024 11:21:05 PMTried to access http ip directly.
58719223.73.120.8Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:45.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/45.07/25/2024 10:00:53 PMEvil 404 /wp-login.php
5871893.174.93.12Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Ubuntu; Linux x86_64; rv:14.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/14.0.17/25/2024 09:33:06 PMTried to access http ip directly.
58717172.169.191.207Mozilla/5.0 zgrab/0.x7/25/2024 07:22:53 PMTried to access http ip directly.
58716172.206.142.54Mozilla/5.0 zgrab/0.x7/25/2024 03:18:43 PMUser Agent Mozilla/5.0 zgrab/0.x
5871513.64.211.25Mozilla/5.0 zgrab/0.x7/25/2024 02:05:38 PMUser Agent Mozilla/5.0 zgrab/0.x
58714104.152.52.143masscan/1.3 ( 12:02:44 PMTried to access http ip directly.
5871387.246.7.54masscan/1.0 ( 09:40:59 AMTried to access http ip directly.
5871245.83.64.78Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:65.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/65.07/25/2024 08:18:58 AMTried to access http ip directly.
58711162.142.125.202Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; CensysInspect/1.1; + 04:48:29 AMTried to access http ip directly.
58710134.209.224.14Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; Odin; 07:56:47 PMTried to access http ip directly.
58709209.38.254.159Go-http-client/1.17/24/2024 07:56:46 PMEvil 404 /cgi-bin/authLogin.cgi
5870846.101.225.217Go-http-client/1.17/24/2024 07:56:46 PMEvil 404 /solr/admin/info/system
58705161.35.207.28Go-http-client/1.17/24/2024 07:54:36 PMEvil 404 /cgi-bin/authLogin.cgi
5870646.101.161.91Go-http-client/1.17/24/2024 07:54:36 PMEvil 404 /solr/admin/info/system
5870746.101.159.197Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; Odin; 07:54:36 PMTried to access http ip directly.
58704199.45.155.102Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; CensysInspect/1.1; + 07:36:24 PMTried to access http ip directly.
5870313.64.213.153Mozilla/5.0 zgrab/0.x7/24/2024 05:17:09 PMTried to access http ip directly.
58702209.97.147.146Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:73.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/73.07/24/2024 05:10:20 PMTried to access http ip directly.
5870113.52.99.147libwww-perl/5.8207/24/2024 04:21:37 PMTried to access http ip directly.
58700167.172.172.183Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:52.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/52.07/24/2024 12:37:28 PMTried to access http ip directly.
5869987.236.176.19Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; InternetMeasurement/1.0; + 10:50:29 AMTried to access http ip directly.
58698209.38.33.11Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:109.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/118.07/24/2024 10:30:05 AMTried to access http ip directly.
58697167.94.145.101Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; CensysInspect/1.1; + 04:03:51 AMTried to access http ip directly.
58696167.94.146.62Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; CensysInspect/1.1; + 03:11:44 AMTried to access http ip directly.
58695115.198.127.248Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; MSIE 9.0; WIndows NT 9.0; en-US))7/24/2024 01:12:53 AMTried to access http ip directly.
58694172.169.4.225Mozilla/5.0 zgrab/0.x7/23/2024 07:38:56 PMUser Agent Mozilla/5.0 zgrab/0.x
58693125.23.202.122masscan/1.0 ( 03:07:37 PMTried to access http ip directly.
58692172.202.177.248Mozilla/5.0 zgrab/0.x7/23/2024 02:58:09 PMTried to access http ip directly.
58691172.169.2.144Mozilla/5.0 zgrab/0.x7/23/2024 01:43:05 PMTried to access http ip directly.
58690103.123.227.102masscan/1.0 ( 12:52:29 PMTried to access http ip directly.
58689199.45.154.131Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; CensysInspect/1.1; + 09:23:19 AMTried to access http ip directly.
5868820.118.69.182Mozilla/5.0 zgrab/0.x7/23/2024 09:03:55 AMUser Agent Mozilla/5.0 zgrab/0.x
5868735.216.179.192abuse.xmco.fr7/23/2024 08:08:47 AMTried to access http ip directly.
5868657.152.56.121Mozilla/5.0 zgrab/0.x7/23/2024 07:43:39 AMUser Agent Mozilla/5.0 zgrab/0.x
58685199.45.155.106Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; CensysInspect/1.1; + 05:07:02 AMTried to access http ip directly.
58684178.62.211.237Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Ubuntu; Linux i686; rv:28.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/72.07/23/2024 03:13:24 AMEvil 404 /wp-admin/admin-ajax.php?action=duplicator_downloa
5868351.255.109.171Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Ubuntu; Linux x86_64; rv:109.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/115.07/23/2024 12:41:16 AMTried to access http ip directly.
586824.156.21.101Mozilla/5.0 zgrab/0.x7/22/2024 08:51:34 PMUser Agent Mozilla/5.0 zgrab/0.x
5868135.216.168.171Mozilla/5.07/22/2024 08:47:12 PMTried to access http ip directly.
5868040.160.12.147Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Ubuntu; Linux x86_64; rv:109.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/115.07/22/2024 08:12:06 PMTried to access http ip directly.
58679162.142.125.200Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; CensysInspect/1.1; + 04:37:13 PMTried to access http ip directly.
5867813.64.108.46Mozilla/5.0 zgrab/0.x7/22/2024 12:29:25 PMUser Agent Mozilla/5.0 zgrab/0.x
5867713.64.107.143Mozilla/5.0 zgrab/0.x7/22/2024 12:11:04 PMTried to access http ip directly.
58676154.221.31.52Custom-AsyncHttpClient7/22/2024 11:41:02 AMEvil 404 /admin/vendor/phpunit/phpunit/src/Util/PHP/eval-st
58675175.178.185.10Custom-AsyncHttpClient7/22/2024 11:22:24 AMEvil 404 /admin/vendor/phpunit/phpunit/src/Util/PHP/eval-st
58674122.194.13.49Custom-AsyncHttpClient7/22/2024 09:45:48 AMEvil 404 /admin/vendor/phpunit/phpunit/src/Util/PHP/eval-st
5867323.95.200.178Mozilla/5.07/22/2024 08:23:28 AMTried to access http ip directly.
58672199.45.154.137Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; CensysInspect/1.1; + 05:41:51 AMTried to access http ip directly.
5867177.90.22.37Linux Gnu (cow)7/22/2024 02:14:30 AMTried to access http ip directly.
58670206.168.34.194Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; CensysInspect/1.1; + 01:45:26 AMTried to access http ip directly.
58669194.59.31.23python-requests/2.25.17/22/2024 01:26:08 AMUser Agent python-requests/2.25.1
58668103.82.195.126Custom-AsyncHttpClient7/21/2024 09:12:33 PMEvil 404 /admin/vendor/phpunit/phpunit/src/Util/PHP/eval-st
5866791.92.251.38Mozilla/5.0 zgrab/0.x7/21/2024 09:09:16 PMTried to access http ip directly.
5866620.246.194.116Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Gentoo; Linux x86_64; rv:91.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/91.07/21/2024 02:56:57 PMEvil 404 /wp-login.php
58665159.203.8.178Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Fedora; Linux x86_64; rv:94.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/95.07/21/2024 02:56:27 PMEvil 404 /wp-login.php
58664103.3.246.123Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Fedora; Linux x86_64; rv:94.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/95.07/21/2024 02:37:54 PMEvil 404 /wp-login.php
58663185.224.128.47ivre-masscan/1.3 01:47:09 PMTried to access http ip directly.
58662188.166.238.221python-requests/2.32.37/21/2024 01:39:37 PMUser Agent python-requests/2.32.3
58661152.32.245.1967/21/2024 01:09:33 PMTried to log in as root with no password.
5866047.107.64.152Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Fedora; Linux x86_64; rv:94.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/95.07/21/2024 11:44:37 AMEvil 404 /wp-login.php
58659172.169.6.164Mozilla/5.0 zgrab/0.x7/21/2024 11:38:19 AMTried to access http ip directly.
5865896.44.189.1957/21/2024 09:45:51 AMTried to log in as root with no password.
58657212.87.212.46Linux Gnu (cow)7/21/2024 05:17:53 AMTried to access http ip directly.
58656167.71.33.36Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:57.0.3) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/57.0.37/20/2024 06:11:40 PMTried to access http ip directly.
5865540.118.210.74Mozilla/5.0 zgrab/0.x7/20/2024 04:33:59 PMUser Agent Mozilla/5.0 zgrab/0.x
58654194.169.175.56Go-http-client/1.17/20/2024 12:20:20 PMTried to access http ip directly.
586534.156.21.79Mozilla/5.0 zgrab/0.x7/20/2024 09:29:37 AMUser Agent Mozilla/5.0 zgrab/0.x
5865220.118.71.186Mozilla/5.0 zgrab/0.x7/20/2024 09:19:07 AMTried to access http ip directly.
58651207.154.223.100Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; Odin; 09:05:40 AMTried to access http ip directly.
58649209.38.214.238Go-http-client/1.17/20/2024 09:05:40 AMEvil 404 /solr/admin/info/system
58650161.35.70.15Go-http-client/1.17/20/2024 09:05:40 AMEvil 404 /cgi-bin/authLogin.cgi
58648172.169.6.185Mozilla/5.0 zgrab/0.x7/20/2024 07:35:24 AMUser Agent Mozilla/5.0 zgrab/0.x
5864713.64.193.54Mozilla/5.0 zgrab/0.x7/20/2024 07:23:28 AMUser Agent Mozilla/5.0 zgrab/0.x
586464.151.38.164Mozilla/5.0 zgrab/0.x7/20/2024 06:49:55 AMUser Agent Mozilla/5.0 zgrab/0.x
58645213.199.51.153Custom-AsyncHttpClient7/20/2024 02:43:07 AMEvil 404 /admin/vendor/phpunit/phpunit/src/Util/PHP/eval-st